Friday, May 3, 2013

Marshall G100R CD 100W Amp Head

The Marshall G100R CD review.  This amp is a 100W solid state amp head made in Korea.  Although I am a fan of Marshall, I have to admit these amps are pretty lousy.  This is possibly the worse amp head you may ever play through (that is if you have the misfortune to ever come across one).  There are a ton of quirky things about these amps, but that is a whole story in itself.  Improper sound levels between channels is the real kicker.  Overall the sound is just bad.  The particular head in the photo above was sent back from a guy in France who said something was wrong with it.  Guess what?  Nothing was wrong with it at all, it's just a shitty amp. Very bland, dull, and cheap sounding,  it is obvious to me that these amps were made for a quick profit.

 Avoid at all costs!  If you really want to see how disappointing these amps are to the Marshall brand name you  might be able to find one used on e-bay for around $100 or so plus shipping.  They were originally started at $400.00 new which is pretty low for a 100W amp head in the first place.  Needless to say they do not hold resale value and there is no immediate market or cult following for these heads.

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