Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Epiphone Eb-0 SG Electric Bass

Classic Gibson SG Style vibe at an Epiphone price.  A down to the point bass with homage to the original.  Includes one neck humbucker, the output isn't as hot as I would have expected but that is alright.  My only hangup about this bass is how easy it is to set up wrong.  At the moment of review the action was very high towards the high frets due to the SG-style bridge.  The scoop with this bass is that it is a short-scale 30-1/2" similar to a Fender Mustang Bass size.  This makes it very easy to play, I really like short scale basses as they allow for a wider variety of notes to be played within a shorter distance.  Great for kids, and women or those with smaller hands.
Sinister, for a fraction of the price.  Retails online at $199.00 new, you can find these used on E-bay for around $100-$150 depending on the condition.  Overall a solid entry to mid level short scale bass for the price.

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